Play Movie

Partner Companies

  • ゲーム感覚でイラスト付きの小説が読めるサービス「TapNovel」運営
  • キャラクターから届くメッセージアプリ「my dear.」の開発運営
  • ユーモアを操る人工知能「大喜利AI」など、エンタメAIの開発、運営
  • NFTを活用して「好きなものを好きでよかった」と思える社会を創る
  • 「察してくれる社会の実現」に向け、生体データに基づく感情の可視化に取り組む
  • Z世代向け飲食・観光アプリ
  • いつでもマーダーミステリーを楽しめるアプリ「ウズ」の開発、運営
  • 企業と探究学習プログラムを制作し、学校等の指導サポートを行う「TimeTact」の運営

Demonstration Experiment

  • 株式会社TypeBeeGroup
    With the aim of jointly creating new and compelling IPs, we launched an anime project where we work with TapNovel writers to develop stories and then produce visual media content to be streamed on social media platforms. We are jointly holding contests to solicit proposals for IPs and attract writers so we can identify new IP potential as well as writing talent.
  • 株式会社any style
    Taking advantage of Shochiku's resources, we will launch VTubers and distribute content to the public on YouTube. We will create a new VTuber character IP and acquire core fans on our own app, called “any style.”
  • 株式会社わたしは
    We are developing AI that learns to identify the characteristics of fans who enjoy works in similar ways. This will create interactions between a broad range of fans and AI, leading to innovations in fan marketing and producing real value.
  • 株式会社プレイシンク
    With IPs owned by Shochiku and using PLAYTHINK's NFT products, we will create a fan community active in supporting and promoting the IPs, and further expand the market globally.
  • Olive株式会社
    We are challenging ourselves to create never-before-seen entertainment experiences by leveraging unique emotions exclusive to the Shochiku Group, as well as shifts in emotion that occur during live entertainment experiences.
  • 株式会社RelyonTrip
    In areas where the Shochiku Group's theaters and buildings are located, we will use the restaurant and tourism apps owned by Relyon Trip and aim for a new kind of revitalization.
  • 株式会社Sally
    The two companies will work together to plan and operate events in a revolutionary new genre of experiential entertainment. Making use of the Shochiku network, we will deploy their external facilities and take advantage of Sally's expertise for online deployment. With this, our aim is to achieve stable monetization and expand the customer base in the experiential entertainment field.
  • 株式会社Study Valley
    We will utilize Shochiku's assets to integrate inquiry-based learning in schools with theater appreciation to offer learning packages that leverage the appeal of online and offline experiences.

Comments from Partner Companies

  • 株式会社TypeBeeGroup 遠藤彰二氏
    Partnership opportunities in entertainment are limited, but the Accelerator program allows us to work closely with the highest-caliber people in the field and gain expertise from them. We should all be applying for this - there's just no reason not to.
    株式会社TypeBeeGroup 遠藤彰二氏
  • 株式会社わたしは 竹之内大輔氏
    The people assigned to our team are fully into this, and their emotions (anger and tears) are unfiltered. It's incredible. Startups are often living in a “daily frenzy,” so being a part of that energy is exciting. It was also a great achievement to build a service from the inside a company with such an enduring history of creating entertainment.
    株式会社わたしは 竹之内大輔氏
  • 株式会社RelyonTrip 西村彰仁氏
    Being part of the Accelerator program - particularly the first one - of such a prominent organization was a great opportunity for us. Moreover, everyone at Shochiku, including our team leaders, worked with us closely and gave us a lot of support. Without them, we would not have been able to carry out this initiative and we are very happy with the outcome.
    株式会社RelyonTrip 西村彰仁氏
  • 株式会社StudyValley 田中悠樹氏
    We are not your typical entertainment startup, but this gave us the opportunity to co-develop new programs and expand the scope of our business. Our team leader understood how our entire company worked so the cross-business information gathering and brainstorming sessions went smoothly, and we're very thankful for that.
    株式会社StudyValley 田中悠樹氏

Events in the program

December 2022 Demo Day
In-studio 3D CGI real-time composite shoot.
Program Final Debriefing


Application deadline, review of material (documents, pitches), selection of companies.Mid-term review (check-up on collaborative content with the relevant business departments).Proof of concept period.
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